Lecture 1 – What is Data Visualisation?

What is data visualisation?
Data visualisation is a general term that describes any effort to help people understand the significance of data by placing it in a visual context.

Why do we need it?
We need data visualisation in order to control all the data we acquire.

What is data?
Data is facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

  • The primary goal of data visualisations is to communicate information clearly and efficiently using statistical graphics, plots and information graphics
  • Not all information visualisations are based on data, BUT all data visualisations are information visualisations 
(Sense-Making Model, 2018)


This lecture has informed me about the fundamentals of data visualisation. The question about the difference between infographics and data visualisation is no cleared up.

Sense-Making Model. (2018). [Image]. Retrieved from http://nathan.com/information-interaction-design-a-unified-field-theory-of-design

The 4X4 Model for Winning Knowledge Content. (2018). Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/100429442

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